The Red Wood Trees go up and up and up!

Cousin Sara pulls me up a hill to a pool.

Coney Island: I went on a roller coaster, ate a Nathan's hot dog bun (I'm not a vegetarian but don't eat meat, except for Chicken Nuggets, and is that really meat?)

Arthur Ashe Kids Day, a passionate mob of youngsters hitting a yellow ball with a racket, no technique, just pure rage!

I went to San Francisco to see my cousins. Rachel, who is 13, had her Bat Mitzvah. She read from the Torah, a religious scroll. I didn't see it because I was playing in a sandy play ground because they don't like kids to talk during a ceremony with the Torah. It was Maddy's' fault. She kept saying, "My seat. My seat. My seat." Truthfully, it was boring, and I was happy to go outside.
Rachel was super cool and friendly and nice. She showed me how to do a head-stand and swim under water and she was awesome. She even does Facebook. San Francisco was much colder than NY. Manhattan was like a tropical swamp, without the water or coconut trees. Anyway I'm starting Kindergarten tomorrow so even if it is 95 degrees the season has changed (I hope it's not 95 degrees.)
Daddy: My wife wanted to go to Sesame Place to cap off the summer. I fell to my knees and said, "Please, sweetie, can we go next summer." She got mad until she saw I was crying. Summer is not easy.