Monday, August 11, 2008

Greta Garbage

Sometimes my parents take me to things that are a little painful. Greta Garbage lectured me and a little boy on the importance of recycling. We were the only two attending her puppet show at the Guthrie Center, a church dedicated to peace and understanding. It turned out Greta Garbage was in charge of the environmental educational division in Rochester and transformed her teachings into a puppet show. It was as if the presidential candidates were using sock puppets to speak their platforms at the debates.

I thought with a name like Greta Garbage how could you go wrong. She did point out to the two children at the show that it was their parents who had destroyed the earth and unfortunately it was beyond repair. My wife looked on in horror. When is the right time to expose Emma to the hard truths of todays world?
At the Greta Garbage show! The Guthre Center, a temple to peace, understanding, and the sixties, seemed like a place for lost souls, which for one morning, Michael the dad was one.

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